Brand Strategy & Management
We uncover value where others might not think to look.
Insights guide our strategic decisions, which allows us to develop initiatives tailored and targeted to well-defined audiences. Think of our multidisciplinary team of creative, technology and marketing professionals as clever problem solvers working in concert to achieve your business goals.
Content & Social Marketing
We make each interaction count with data-driven creative that’s designed to elicit a response.
The Mavens are driven to seek out inspiring ways to engage audiences for our clients using insight and creativity. Our consumer-centric approach allows us to create meaningful connections between your customers and the brand.
Marketing Enablement
The team that brings it all together and makes the magic happen.
The best game plans still need to be executed, or they remain nothing but words on paper. This is the team that coordinates and executes all strategies and efforts like a maestro conducts an orchestra, seamlessly enabling our most ambitious ideas to come to life.
Search Engine & Conversion Optimization
You need to make it easy to be found.
Whether it is through SEO services, offsite opportunities, content creation or paid search campaigns, every aspect of our work is carefully planned out to ensure you get as much benefit as possible from everything that we do. The initiatives we produce are then measured and acted upon accordingly, ensuring that your performance gets stronger each time you take the stage.
Market Research & Insights
A demographic is not enough; Adults 18-54 is not research.
We dig deeper. We are cultural anthropologists. We believe that targeted market research is far more insightful than big data. We become creeps in your customer’s backyard. We get to the core of who your audience is in order to clearly define what your audience wants. What motivates them. What drives them.
We Play Well with Others.
Maven Marketing is a proud member of an independent network of agencies strategically located to provide global reach and capabilities. Our ability to tap into these partners’ world-class expertise throughout the planet is just one of our many secret weapons.